
гнуть, сгибать

Словарь корней и производных форм языка Эсперанто с переводом на русский язык. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "fleksi" в других словарях:

  • inflexible — in|flex|i|ble [ınˈfleksıbəl] adj 1.) unwilling to make even the slightest change in your attitudes, plans etc ≠ ↑flexible ▪ inflexible attitudes towards change 2.) inflexible rules, arrangements etc are impossible to change ≠ ↑flexible ▪ This… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flextime — flex|time [ fleks,taım ] or flex|i|time [ fleksi,taım ] noun uncount a system in which workers choose the hours each day that they work, as long as the hours add up to the same number of hours every week or month …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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